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KUBTEC Scientific
February 22, 2022

x min read

Sakata Seeds Corporation is the first in California state to get a KUBTEC XPERT 20 Cabinet X-ray system for Agriculture ImagingSakata Seeds Corporation is the first in California state to get a KUBTEC XPERT 20 Cabinet X-ray system for Agriculture Imaging

KUBTEC Scientific is pleased to announce that we have installed an XPERT 20 Cabinet X-ray system at Sakata Seeds Corporation in their California facility. Sakata is a world leader in producing vegetable and ornamental seeds, and we are delighted to be working with them.

The XPERT 20 Cabinet X-ray system is used for Quality Control in addition to Seed Imaging, Counting, and Analysis. Xianming Duan, Seed Physiology Manager at Sakata Seeds said, “The system is well-engineered and highly user-friendly, and we are confident that we can develop the radiography domain knowledge to further enhance the quality of our seed products in the future. We are happy to work with KUBTEC."

KUBTEC cabinet X-ray systems are used by researchers throughout the agricultural industry to analyze the growth, viability, and damage to seeds and to examine seed quality and infestation. More information is available on www.kubtecscientific.com/agriculture

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