World Orthopaedic Research Congress
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KUBTEC Scientific
September 7, 2022

KUBTEC® is pleased to be sponsoring and exhibiting at this year’s World Orthopaedic Research Congress in Edinburgh, Scotland from September 7th-9th, 2022. We invite you to visit us to see a demo of our PARAMETER® 3D Cabinet Tomosynthesis X-ray System for life sciences and preclinical imaging. KUBTEC’s BMD DIGIMUS® software provides Researchers with a tool that measures BMD and Body Composition using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA, DEXA) technology.


Through continuous research and development of our innovative technology like our 3D tomosynthesis solution, and our proprietary image blender feature, KUBTEC® goes beyond providing just clarity, we provide detailed information when and where our customers need it most. Visit us at the meeting to learn how KUBTEC® is setting a new standard in X-ray imaging.

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